Oh yes, I forgot to mention yesterday - the upstairs computer now seems to be working again. Apparently it was a problem with the keyboard, which was also affectig a few other things for some bizarre reason? Eh. We're using the USB keyboard for the time being.
Also, you can only have 1000 tags? o_O I did not know this until now.
It feels like a Sunday today. Probably because it's the first time in a while that me and Euan have had the day off together (bar most Sundays, of course
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Okay. We may have Broadband at the house now, but there's been a few more things being sorted over the past few days. Hence the lack of updates. I still need to make a serious catch-up with reading my flist, too
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Things that happened during the time I was without a computer:
Monday: Euan started his new job at Screwfix. It's currently a temporary job, but, if they like his work there, then it will become permanent
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